Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turkey Day Low Down - and stuff

I'm feeling less than inspired and witty today, please bare with me.  With less than a week to go before CIM, I'm in a bit of a worried state.   See, ever since I wore those heels a week or so ago, my left knee has been bothering me.  And not just bothering me, but full on bugging me and hurting on every run.  Thankfully it doesn't hurt when I am just walking, but by the time I'm running, it rears it's ugly head and tells me something is up.   So far, I have slogged through every run, just attempting to tune out the pain.  Sometimes it warms up and goes away, other times, like today, it stays with me the whole time.  Sometimes its sharp, sometimes its dull - but always in the same spot.  I know I'm not being too smart with attempting to keep running - but at this point, my sanity is just as important as having a functioning knee.

I managed to race the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.  My knee was not happy about this either.  It was a chilly day, started out at 32 and by the time we left it was a balmy 33!  I took it as great practice for CIM which is always cold.  The race was really well organized and a decent course to run a fast race.  But I gave up in the middle miles when it got to that painful 10K point and my ass had literally frozen.  I managed to pick it up in the final mile and finish in 46:30.  Not a PR but not half bad for a pretty twisty course.  I also had the pleasure of having the hubbs and Layla join me!  We were home by 9 and putting the turkey in the oven by 9:30 - I would call that a success!

Turkey day went off with out a hitch, for the most part the out laws behaved themselves, and I also had Layla there to help keep me sane - thanks Layla.  I pretty much managed the whole dinner on my own, including clean-up, and by the time Friday morning came around I felt like I had ran a marathon!  From the second I got up on Thursday to the time I got in bed that night, I don't think I sat down once except to eat my dinner.  *sigh*  The positive thing about that is I didn't have to interact with the MIL too much! LOL!  I also got in some decent workouts and runs this weekend despite the knee pain.  I have a feeling it is my left quad that is really tight and is pulling on the knee.  It is sooooo painful to roll out that quad - it brings me to tears each time so I can only managed maybe rolling it twice.  I'm getting a massage either on Monday or Tuesday in hopes that will help me.  If not, that will be a very painful 26.2 mile jog come Sunday.

As I type this, I'm icing my knee and sipping some coffee after getting back from my final long run.  I was shooting for 13 but only hit 11.  I didn't want to push my luck any more than I have been.  I'm actually very worried about my knee (if you couldn't already tell!).  It's been in the back of my mind the whole week, and even though I took yesterday off from running to go for a spin with Doug in hopes that it would help, it didn't.  I'm still in the same boat.  No better, no worse. 

This week will be all about rehabbing that knee and my head.  I'm so focused on the fact that it could really ruin my race that I'm not working on staying positive and focused on my goal for the race.  I managed to get in 49.4 miles this week, which is almost right on where I wanted to be with my miles heading into the last week.  I'm so glad that I only have one week left - I'm so excited to not have a training calendar come December 6th!

I'm off to catch up with all of you.  I hope your Thanksgiving's were filled with family and good food! 
Next up will be my goals for CIM and hopefully some good news on the knee and tummy!
Have a great weekend!
Happy Running Peeps!


ajh said...

I take it your MIL doesn't read your blog! Hope you had a restful weekend for the rest of it.

Heather said...

Take it easy on that knee! Hope the massage helps. Glad you survived Thanksgiving. :)

Jill said...

Sorry about your knee, Chica!! So totally sucks )I can totally relate). Keep off of it as much as possible and ice and elevate and wrap and rest!!! I would totally get that looked at after CIM if it's still being a bugger.

Yay for no MIL mishaps this turkey day :).


LAPT said...

Oh nooooo! GOOD LUCK! I'll be rooting for you.

J said...

Hope that knee feels better. Maybe try some hamstring or glutes strengthening exercises or stretching and hopefully that will help!

Pining for Pinterest said...

I hope the knee gets better soon with some rest! I hate when things like that happen! Have a great week :)

Denise said...

i'm sick of these injuries!! i hope your knee is nothing and that you can still go get 'em this wknd. be careful this week and rest up!

Anonymous said...

I really hope your knee feels better soon- you know I can relate- and I hope you are resting well :)

Sounds like Thanksgiving was great, despite your reservations...I mean everyone survived, right?!?!

Anonymous said...

Take care of that knee girl! I'll be seeing you this weekend :)

Marlene said...

Congrats on the turkey trot! I really hope that knee is feeling better for you over the next few days. FX!!!!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I can't believe you ran that fast with your knee acting up! Girl be careful!!!!! Great job on the race even if you should have taken it a little easier. (and then you went and did 11 miles. You are a running gueen)

How you do it all and don't drop over from exhaustion, I will never understand.

Page said...

As much as you may hate it, rest up your knee this week. Plus, I know you're secretly a frickin' running maniac so you will be FANTASTIC at CIM!

Angela and David said...

Do you think you have bursitis in your knee? Kind of sounds like it. The good news is that bursitis doesn't take forever long to heal if that's what's going on.

I saw your post and I can't seem to get the link with your email address to work (firewalls at work I think). Anyway, shoot me an email at angela[dot]kidd[at]navistar[dot]com.

Good luck this weekend!

Jenn said...

Oh my! I sure hope that knee is cooperating for you! Give it some rest this week you running machine! Nice work on the 10K! Ishta-just HATE the 10K....

I hope you can relax a bit and concentrate on being focused and positive this week. Confidence! Healing vibes your way!!

Tara said...

Join the shitty knee club (which right now just includes me). I'll be looking forward to your CIM marathon review and I just wanted to let you know I'm pulling for you girlie! Hang tough and take care of that knee this week.
Stretch that damn quad out!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I am a new follower and came over from TMB!

I truly hope your knee heals fast!!!

Kristen said...

I wished I had known you had been out there on Turkey Day!

I am so sorry about your knee - sounds like what I am battling with my foot and back. It is so frustrating to go through all this training and have an injury at the end. Take care of it and don't over do it (I know, easier said than done).

Anonymous said...

О! Awesome posting. Benar-benar menikmati membaca posting blog Anda.